Three tools for monitoring social networks

3 tools monitor social networks

Being present on social media is not just limited to publishing content. In fact, all publications about a brand should be monitored, covering both those by the brand and by its users. There are some tools for doing this, and today we're going to discuss the most relevant ones. Take note!

Social Mention

This is a specialised tool for searching and analysing user-published content about a brand, product, company or specific topic.

The tool filters content it finds around a certain term, covering blogs, microblogs, bookmarks, images or videos, and shows the corresponding influence this has online, based on four factors:

  • Strength: this refers to the probability of a brand being discussed on social media. The calculation is made by considering the phrases mentioned in the past 24 hours, divided by the total number of possible mentions that the brand could have.
  • Sentiment: this shows the average mentions that are speaking positively or negatively about a brand.
  • Passion: this indicator will increase when more mentions are made by the same person. For example, if a company has a small group of passionate advocates who constantly speak about its products, the ranking of this indicator will go up. On the other hand, if each mention is by a different author, the ranking will be lower.
  • Reach: this refers to the number of unique authors talking about a brand, divided by the total number of mentions.

Which other factors does it analyse?

  • Sentiment of the publications: here there is a differentiation between the volume of positive, neutral or negative mentions made by users.
  • Top keywords: this shows the list of the most-used keywords within the mentions based on the term that has been searched. This list includes the number of times each keyword has been used.
  • Top users: this shows a list with the users who mention a brand most. This feature is very useful for promoting loyalty with users.
  • Top hashtags: list of the main hashtags associated with a brand and the number of times they have been used.
  • Sources: this shows a list of the sources through which the mentions are made.

As well as this, a list of all mentions that quote the brand is also included.


The main feature of this tool is to schedule content on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, WordPress, Instagram and YouTube). Furthermore, this dynamic platform provides various ways to monitor a brand, product or keyword:

  • Columns: this feature is used to track the brand's own publications, and any interactions with these publications on social networks (mentions, retweets, etc.).
  • Searches: by clicking 'Add column', users can search for the keyword they want to monitor. Once defined, a column will appear with all the publications containing this keyword. This query can be carried out as shown in the image, adding certain elements to get more specific content, such as publications sent after a certain date, publications made by a specific user, etc.
  • Keywords: this feature lets you create a column that shows all publications containing the specified keywords or phrases (up to a maximum of three).
  • Lists: by activating this feature, a column is added with all publications made by people included in the lists created by the user.


BuzzSumo builds up an analysis of the content shared on social networks about a brand (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Reddit), all in a very simple panel. The tool analyses the content that works best on social networks, and that which offers the best engagement with the established keyword.

The main panel allows you to filter by date, content type (articles, infographics, lists and videos), language, country and domain.

It also presents a list of influencers, based on the words established. The tool lets you filter these influencers by type: bloggers, companies and journalists. Additionally, you can find out the page's authority, the domain's authority, the number of Twitter followers and the number of retweets.

These are just three of the tools that you can use to monitor your social networks. If you have different social network profiles for each country or language, bear in mind that you need to monitor each of these, and that publications should always be translated properly.

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