On to the next level: Full speed ahead to the future!

Rocket to the future

The "new normal" is about to begin, a time when we need to face up to the economic impact of the pandemic that has devastated all corners of our society. I hope you won't mind me sharing some of my reflections on what we've been through, and how we at AT Language Solutions® are preparing ourselves for the future.

As many of you know, the last few months have been very hard here at AT Language Solutions®. We've experienced a significant reduction in turnover, forcing us to furlough some of our staff and ask our suppliers for their support to enable us to reduce our costs as much as possible. In these times of adversity, we've always prioritised our customers; and at AT that means doing everything we can to avoid sacrificing either our service or quality. And we've done it! This has only been possible thanks to the incredible efforts of the AT Language Solutions® family. Our current staff have given their all, remaining 100% involved, allowing us all to pull together and work in the same direction towards our goal: staying fully operational.

Given the huge amount of work it's taken internally on a number of occasions for us to be able to offer the same service we always have, it's been a real reward to receive words of thanks from our clients, emphasising our seamless service. We haven't ever failed them, and that's something we're very proud of.

After these months of uncertainty we're gradually returning to "normality". Our clients are now back up and running - which is excellent news - and without losing their way: right now, that means focusing on the "new normal" we all need to get used to. Things won't go back to how they were before. We now need to fix our gaze on a new future, and a new way of doing things. We need to do it well, and we need to be cautious.

At AT Language Solutions® the future we're planning is different to the one we envisioned at the start of the year. We had projects planned for the medium and long term, but the current climate has led us to change certain things and adapt ourselves to new needs. In the short term we've come up with a protocol that will see us returning to the office in a completely safe environment, always prioritising the health of both our workers and their families, with a mix of face-to-face and remote working. At the same time, we've begun to gradually reinstate the collaborators that were affected by the furlough scheme - something that gives us great pleasure.

As regards short term projects, we've launched a free machine translation campaign for all companies. Until 31 August, you'll be able to use our own translation engines (much more powerful and effective than any free translator such as Google Translate or DeepL) free of charge. Our engines not only translate, but deliver the translated document in the same format as the original. We want to do our bit for the recovery of the economy and right now that means offering support - so we're doing it in the only way we know: providing efficient, fast and quality translations.

In the medium and long term our future is to continue our focus on innovation. Our ATLab is already working on new tools that will allow clients to optimise their performance. Ultimately our aim is to take care of them, so that they can focus on the importance of their business and worry as little as possible about language issues. Along these lines we recently launched our AT-HUB, a platform for managing all our clients' translations. Thanks to this tool, all the bureaucracy associated with translation management is eliminated - no more unnecessary emails and time-wasting. All our clients who've tried it are really satisfied, so we're incredibly pleased with the results.

We might be facing uncertain times, but we have to see them as a positive opportunity to grow and improve. And this is how we're doing things at AT Language Solutions®!

Wishing you all good health, and please do stay safe.

Stéphane Magnard
AT Language Solutions®

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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