The 3 most important metatags of a website

Important website meta tags

The translation of a website's metatags is vital for achieving good SEO positioning in search engines.  Let's see what the main meta tags are and why it is so important to translate them.

What are metatags?

Metatags are important HTML elements to improve the positioning of a website in search engines. These HTML code fragments are placed in the head section of a page and provide search engine information on the content of the website. You can include data such as the title of the page, description, keywords, creation date, author and language.
Although they are not visible to users, metatags are essential for search engines to understand and classify a website properly. A suitable use of the metatags can significantly improve the visibility and positioning of a page in the search results, which in turn can increase the traffic and visibility of the website.

What metatags are there?

Among the most main types of metatags are those that provide information on the title of the page, description and relevant keywords. These metatags can greatly influence how search engines classify and present a website in search results. It is therefore important that website owners pay attention to these details when creating their metatags to ensure a better positioning in search engines.
The 3 most important are listed below:

Meta Title

The HTML "meta title" tag is used to specify the title of a website. This is how the rest of the metatags are the head of the HTML code. The title defined in the "meta title" tag will usually appear in the browser bar and will be used to be shown in the search engine.

So, it indicates the title of the page that is being viewed to the browser, i.e. it gives you information on the main topic that this page is about.

We must differentiate the label & lt; title & gt; and the label & lt; meta title & gt; although the same title is often placed in tags, the title tag is not the same as the title used to define the main title of the HTML document. The meta title tag is used to provide additional information on the title of the page.

In short, we can say that the "meta title" tag defines the title of the page, while the title tag provides the same title of the page in the body of the HTML document.

Meta title

Meta Description

The meta description tag is used to provide a brief description of the content that users will find on the page. The meta description is used by search engines to show a summary of the website's content in the search results. A good description can help users quickly understand what the page is about and decide whether to click on the search result.

The meta description must be brief and accurate, as there is a maximum length for the descriptions shown in the search results.
In general, including a "meta description" tag on each website can help improve the visibility and relevance of the page; Users will be more attracted and motivated to enter the website.

The description appears just below the title in search results and gives search engines a brief description of the content of each of the pages of the website.

Meta tags allow the search engine to understand what each page is about and to show the closest results to users' searches.

meta description

Meta Keywords

There are other metatags, such as keywords, that some website administrators still take into account and ask to be translated. You ought to know that, for SEO purposes, the majority of search engines such as Google and Yandex take these tags into account for website positioning, and so they will have to be translated or not depending on the country of destination.

The importance of translating metatags

The translation of meta tags on a website is crucial for achieving proper search engine optimisation and improving international SEO. Meta tags like the meta title and meta description are essential for users to find relative and engaging content in search results.

However, these meta tags must be translated with great case, taking into account not only the language, but also the keywords and cultural differences in the use of language. The content must be adapted to the target audience's language and culture, while offering attractive and persuasive content, using international copywriting techniques; all this will increase the click-through rate of the pages and increase the traffic to the website.

It is also important not to confuse the translation of the keywords that appear within the website content with the meta keywords that appear in the website code. The correct translation of keywords, together with the correct translation of meta tags, is essential to achieving better website positioning.

To ensure meta tags are translated correctly, there are a number of solutions. One of the more effective solutions is to use advanced technology platforms that enable any website content to be translated. Check how your website looks translated. There are also human translation plugins, such as Polylang and WPML, which can help in translating the website. It is important to bear in mind that the automatic translation of content is not always accurate and may adversely affect the positioning of the website.

In conclusion, translating the meta tags is essential to work on positioning your website organically in the global market. The correct translation of these tags along with a good international SEO strategy and maintenance can achieve better visibility and relevance for the website, which can lead to increased traffic and online sales.

If you are interested in growing your business globally get in touch.

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Written by ATLS

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