T-SYSTEMS entrusts AT to translate its website


One of our website translation technology solutions enabled T-SYSTEMS, the German multinational specialising in information and communication technology, to have a website in two languages. We'll tell you what they needed and how we were able to provide the solution.

What did T-SYSTEMS request?

The multinational, which belongs to the Deutsche Telekom group, has a strong presence in Catalonia where it manages several services for the Generalitat de Cataluña. Consequently, it needed all its website content that was originally written in Spanish to be translated to Catalan.

Given this need and the fact that the multinational had a rather tight schedule, ATLS was able to provide a fast solution to quickly translate the content and provide a service to translate any new published content to make both language versions consistent with each other.

The solution proposed by AT was our customised AT Website Translator translation service, which combines the disruptive technology of detection, extraction, and publication with human translation, and is certified by the ISO 170100 standard.

This translation software offers various plans so companies can choose the most suitable depending on their size and translation needs. T-Systems subsequently chose the Corporate plan, which offered a service completely adapted to its needs and allowed the company to translate to an unlimited number of languages while managing its translations externally.

This type of customised plan also allows unlimited translators to come on board to translate the content, and enables the client to export and import its own translation memories to save on translation costs and avoid duplicate translations.

AT Language Solutions is proud to be able to offer translation solutions for all types of translation needs.