The importance of subtitling videos for the fashion industry

Subtitling for the fashion industry

Increased video content means greater accessibility. This improves the viewing experience and thus facilitates access for international audiences - and for viewers with hearing difficulties - through the use of subtitles. Adding subtitles to your videos can expand your audience, improve the user experience and increase the reach of your videos. The purpose of subtitles with the fashion industry is to transmit the message to the viewer, in writing and in the viewer's own language. In this way, the viewer reads the translated subtitles to understand what is being communicated.

Those within the fashion industry know the advantages of subtitling videos, and this is used to spread their campaigns across social networks. Let's take a look in more detail.

Subtitling videos improves user experience

Subtitling your videos offers numerous advantages that can be of vital importance to the success of our digital marketing strategy. Thanks to the subtitles, we can reach all those people who may need our products regardless of their language, making it easier for everyone to understand.

Subtitling is a speciality that is found within audiovisual translation. Not only does a subtitler have to master the tools for editing text, they also need to use audio and video applications and, of course, be fluent in the language they're subtitling.

Adding subtitles to social media videos will give you a competitive edge in terms of attracting audiences and increasing the chance of retaining the users' attention. This is the primary aim of social networks.

Some users prefer to watch videos with the sound off. Videos with sound can be perceived as intrusive and are not always the best option within certain contexts. Even if the viewer wears headphones, the sound can be annoying. Adding subtitles increases the possibility of attracting the attention of the user and allows the message of the video to be transmitted without the audio.

Advantages of subtitling videos in the fashion industry

Here are the advantages of subtitling videos in the fashion industry:

Subtitling = crossing borders

It is important to speak to our users in their own language. Suppose a video for your campaign is in Spanish, but you want to reach other international markets, then something as simple as adding subtitles to your videos will allow you to internationalise your campaigns and reach people from all over the world. This is extremely important to create an international brand.

Subtitling = improving the branding

Subtitling videos for the fashion industry not only supports the digital strategy but also the brand image, as companies within the sector which incorporate subtitles into their videos are perceived as more responsible.

Furthermore, subtitles also help improve positioning in search engines, since Google registers subtitles added manually to videos (but does not register automatic closed captions, such as those that can be added on YouTube).

Subtitling = increasing views  

The decision to include subtitles or not in your video campaigns can determine whether some users watch or ignore them, as many of them watch on their smartphones while on the bus, at work or in crowded places. If the video cannot be understood without audio, and they do not have headphones with them at the time, they will not be able to watch it.

It is also important to make audiovisual content accessible to people with hearing impairments. According to the United Nations, there are 70 million people with this type of disability. This is something that no company or brand can afford to ignore if they hope to reach the largest number of potential users.

Do you need a subtitling service for a fashion campaign?

At ATLS, we have extensive experience translating and subtitling videos for the fashion industry. We work with the most important brands in Spain. We offer a professional subtitling service by native linguists, who are specialised in the fashion industry. By adding subtitles to your campaigns, you are bringing your brand closer to potential new customers and are helping them to better understand your message. A simple resource to enhance your content! Shall we talk?

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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