Translation for the Catalan Institute of Finance
After an initial failed attempt in 2016, in which the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) declared the translation tender void due to concerns over quality (Crónica Global “Junqueras no tiene quien le traduzca sus finanzas” [Junqueras has no one to translate his finances]), we are very proud to announce that our company has just been selected to provide translation and editing services for the ICF during 2017-2019.
The public financial institution, which works to drive growth in the Catalan economy, prepared a document comparing all the translation proposals that it received, including the scores corresponding to each company.
ATLS was one of the companies in the bidding process that passed to the professional solvency accreditation phase, having been declared suitable to continue on to potentially be awarded the tender.
The translation test for the tender involved translating two texts in 24 hours. The assessment by an impartial jury, with no ties to any of the bidding companies, based its scores on the following criteria:
- Degree of adaptation to the message of the author
- Degree of conformity with the system, rules and use of the translated language
- Degree of adaptation to specific terms used
Keeping this three parameters in mind, the Institut Català de Finances evaluated the four translation proposals and concluded that the proposal from AT Language Solutions was the only one that met all the established criteria, ruling out the other proposals.
At ATLS we bank on quality and invest in offering great value in our translations, both for private companies and public bodies.
Quality, speed and price make up our DNA here at ATLS. Put your languages in the best hands!